Beneficial foods for good dental health

That a healthy and balanced diet, low in fat and sugar and as little as possible in chemical ingredients is beneficial for our health, is a truth that we all already have assimilated.

Good health begins with a good diet, which in addition to helping keep our body in shape, prevents disease, strengthens our defences and improves our mood.

Is food as important to good dental health as it is to general health?

We are aware that foods and drinks rich in sugar are harmful to teeth since they are directly responsible for the production of caries. But reducing sugar intake is not enough to have good dental health. The truth is that our teeth and gums need a series of essential nutrients for their good condition.

What are the most beneficial foods for good dental health?

Milk and its derivatives, such as yogurt or cheese, are essential for the maintenance of our teeth due to their high calcium supply.

Fruits and vegetables are very important for three reasons: they help keep the mouth hydrated due to the large amount of water they have. They are a source of vitamins and minerals. And lastly, they help remove plaque and bacteria from the enamel of your teeth. In this sense, apples, carrots and celery are especially beneficial.

Water. Saliva production is the most powerful weapon we have to combat the acids that food produces in our mouths and that are the cause of the destruction of dental enamel. A good level of hydration ensures a constant flow of saliva.

Chewing gum without sugar. They help to produce saliva and are advisable especially after meals, in case you cannot brush your teeth.

Whole-grain foods. They favour intestinal transit, decrease the risk of infections and being more expensive to chew, they strengthen teeth.

Another beneficial food for good dental health is nuts, especially for their large amount of magnesium, a mineral that is part of the composition of the teeth.

Vitamin C is a natural enhancer of defences. Fruits like kiwi or orange, very rich in vitamin C, are a great help to strengthen the defences of our teeth against infections.

Green tea, due to its large amount of antioxidants, fights cell aging and helps improve the function of our cells. In addition, being a light green or yellow colour, it does not darken the teeth.

A complete, healthy and balanced diet, along with good daily dental hygiene routines, are the guarantee for good dental health that keeps infections away and prevents disease.

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The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

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