Category Archives: Fresh breath

Complete guide to combat bad breat

Have you ever found yourself in an embarrassing situation due to bad breath? Don’t worry, [...]

Benefits of complementing your oral care with mouthwash

Mouthwash is a fundamental tool in our oral hygiene routine, but did you know that [...]

What is dysbiosis and how does it affect oral health?

In the world of oral health, there is a term that has become increasingly relevant: [...]

Bad breath: causes and products to have fresh breath

Suffering bad breath, often unconsciously by the person who suffers it, is a disadvantage and [...]

Health begins with healthy teeth

We exercise, we take care of our diet, we strictly comply with visits to the [...]

How to fight bad breath: effective products for fresh breath

What’s a healthy white smile without fresh breath? Did you know that more than 50% [...]

Mouthwash: as part of your daily beauty regime

Before we begin, we want to make it clear that mouthwash can never be used [...]

Causes of bad breath and how to avoid it

Bad habits, diseases or improper eating can be the cause of bad breath. Good oral [...]

We raffle a selection of products

We give you a selection of Yotuel products for the care of your mouth.
Start showing off your best smile!


The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

Aliento a prueba de besos con:

Whiten your teeth at home with:

White teeth without cavities with the range of YOTUEL toothpastes