How does going back to school affect children’s dental health?

¿Cómo afecta la vuelta al cole a la salud dental de los niños?

Back to school season is an exciting and busy time for children and their families. However, this transition period can have significant effects on children’s dental health.

During summer vacation, routines can fall apart and healthy habits can relax. Back to school provides an opportunity to re-establish oral care patterns, but it can also present unique challenges.

In what ways can it affect your oral health?

  • Changes in routine: Changing schedules during the holidays can affect the consistency of children’s oral hygiene. Going back to school establishes a routine again, which can be beneficial in ensuring that children follow good oral hygiene.
  • Diet and school snacks: With the return to school, children’s eating patterns may also change. School snacks and lunches often contain sugary foods and drinks that are not ideal for dental health. This can increase the risk of cavities if not controlled properly.
  • Increased stress: Stress related to adjusting to new classes, schedules, and peers can lead to behaviours such as bruxism (teeth clenching or grinding), which can damage tooth enamel and cause jaw problems.
  • Lack of time: Hectic school life can lead to a feeling of lack of time, which could result in rushed brushing or even forgetting to brush. This increases the risk of dental problems.
  • Lack of supervision: During school time, parents are not present to remind children about the importance of brushing and flossing. This could lead to less dedication to oral hygiene during the school day.

Tips to take care of the oral health of the whole family with Yotuel

To ensure your smiles remain radiant, we present practical tips that will help maintain optimal oral health while facing the demands of the school routine.

  • Establish an oral care routine: Going back to school means returning to a more structured routine. Take advantage of this time to establish regular brushing and flossing schedules. Instilling good habits from a young age will help children maintain good oral hygiene throughout the school year.
  • Encourage a healthy diet and hydration: During back-to-school, choose snacks like fruits, vegetables, and nuts instead of sugary foods. Additionally, opt for water instead of sugary drinks to maintain healthy hydration and rinse away food debris, thus preventing the formation of cavities.
  • Schedule a visit to the dentist: Before the school year begins, schedule an appointment with the dentist for a dental checkup. The dentist will be able to identify any existing problems and provide recommendations for your child’s specific oral care. In addition, regular visits to the dentist contribute to the early detection and prevention of dental problems.
  • Choose appropriate oral care products: Select toothpastes and toothbrushes appropriate for your children’s age and needs. The Yotuel range of toothpastes is not only suitable for adults, but also takes care of the oral health of children. This allows the entire family to enjoy the benefits of optimal oral hygiene.

We raffle a selection of products

We give you a selection of Yotuel products for the care of your mouth.
Start showing off your best smile!


The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

Whiten your teeth at home with:

White teeth without cavities with the range of YOTUEL toothpastes