Oral hygiene | YOTUEL all in one toothpaste whitening and repairing

Oral hygiene

Having white and healthy teeth is a symptom of good oral hygiene routine. Which toothpaste do you use to achieve this?

Our teeth are continuously exposed and cavities and the change in the colour of our smile are signs of the state of our oral health.

For this reason, in addition to carrying out a proper oral hygiene routine, it is very important to include a good toothpaste.

How to choose the right toothpaste with a whitening and repairing effect

When choosing a toothpaste it is very important to look at the components of the toothpaste.

If you are looking for a suitable toothpaste with a whitening and repairing effect, not just any will do.

Although there are many products that indicate having these effects derived from their use, in many cases they use components that are harmful to our oral health.

In this sense, at YOTUEL we have a range of toothpastes that think of you and are created from components that are beneficial for your oral health.

Meet YOTUEL all in one

YOTUEL all in one is an ideal toothpaste to whiten and strengthen the enamel of your teeth.

It reduces the erosive impact of soft drinks, juices and isotonic drinks and prevents the appearance of stains on your teeth.

YOTUEL all in one, both in its Snowmint and Wintergreen flavours, is composed of carbamide peroxide, a whitening ingredient used by dentists. In addition, it does not contain SLS and its combination of calcium, xylitol, fluoride and potassium allows you to take care of your enamel and prevent cavities.

And you? With which products do you take care of your mouth on a daily basis? Remember, in addition to using the correct toothpaste, maintain a balanced diet, a daily oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist at least once or twice a year for check-ups.

We raffle a selection of products

We give you a selection of Yotuel products for the care of your mouth.
Start showing off your best smile!


The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

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Whiten your teeth at home with:

White teeth without cavities with the range of YOTUEL toothpastes