Have you ever wondered what the RDA scale that appears on YOTUEL toothpastes means?

Yotuel dentifrico rda

YOTUEL toothpastes carry an RDA scale in their packaging box. Do you know why?

According to a procedure recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA), toothpastes are evaluated using a procedure to determine their Relative Dental Abrasiveness (RDA).

This scale, therefore, indicates how abrasive toothpastes are. This abrasiveness is recorded in RDA values, the highest ones correspond to the most abrasive products, while those with a lower scale are those toothpastes that are gentler on our teeth.

The RDA of YOTUEL Whitening Toothpaste is very low

The YOTUEL Whitening Toothpaste has 36 out of 100 on the RDA scale, very low abrasivity level. 100 is the maximum level recommended by the American Dental Association, so this data indicates that this YOTUEL toothpaste is very soft and that it can be considered safe for your daily use.


yotuel dentifrico rda

In this sense, the Indiana University School of Dentistry – USA carried out a study in which it determined that YOTUEL Whitening Toothpaste is safe for daily use.

If you want to know more about oral health and hygiene, keep reading our Healthy Smiles blog.

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