How to solve the most common oral problems: cavities, periodontitis and gingivitis

dental problems tooth decay gingivitis periodontitis

Knowing how to avoid and face the most common oral problems will help us to have better oral health.

Cavities | Why do they appear and how to prevent them?

There are multiple factors that influence the appearance of cavities. Among them, a diet rich in sugars and / or carbohydrates, since these also release sugars slowly in our body, they will cause our oral bacteria to activate and demineralize our enamel little by little.

In this sense, after each meal a deep oral hygiene with toothpaste and mouthwash is essential, and better if it is completed with dental floss or interdental brushes.

In conclusion, to prevent cavities we must take into account a balanced diet low in sugars, proper toothpaste hygiene and mouthwashes and of course, a visit to your dentist every 6 months.

Gingivitis and periodontitis | Why do they appear and how to prevent them?

Gingivitis is the state prior to periodontitis, although a person with gingivitis does not always lead to periodontitis.

So that this does not happen, whenever we have symptoms of gingivitis, adequate treatment will be very important so that it is reversible and does not worsen the health of our mouth.

Gingivitis produces bleeding and discomfort in our mouth, so it must be treated as soon as possible.

For its part, periodontitis, despite being a second phase of the aforementioned gingivitis, an evolution, may not cause pain or bleeding, but it is affecting our mouth, even becoming irreversible.

For this reason, if you have symptoms of bleeding or pain / discomfort, visit your dentist before it is too late.

The treatment for gingivitis will be important to have proper daily hygiene, as well as to go to the dentist for a more effective cleaning.

Regarding periodontitis, the treatment is more in-depth, since there are times when it is necessary to resort to a more exhaustive gum treatment that only a professional can diagnose and perform.

And you? Do you take care of your mouth daily? Remember to have a balanced diet, a proper oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist if you have any ailment and at least once or twice a year for periodic check-ups.

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The new way to care for yourself in balance with nature

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