Enamel, the hardest tissue in the human body | YOTUEL® all•in•one whitening and repairing enamel

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Microscopic studies show that after applying YOTUEL® all•in•one for a while the enamel hardness is higher than at the beginning thanks to the incorporation of carbamide peroxide as a whitening agent and the patented combination of its active ingredients that provide the necessary minerals to repair enamel

The composition of our teeth, far from being bones as popular belief says, is made up of different mineralized tissues such as enamel.

What is the enamel of our teeth made of?

Dental enamel is mainly composed of 94% calcium phosphate called hydroxyapatite, 4% organic material and the rest of water.

Precisely this compound, hydroxyapatite, is the hardest mineral in the human body and for this reason it is believed that enamel is the most outstanding material in terms of hardness in our body.

What are teeth made of?

Each tooth is formed from three layers:

  • Outer layer or tooth enamel
  • Intermediate layer or dentin
  • Inner layer or pulp

Tooth enamel is a layer that is between two and three millimeters thick.

The enamel covers all our teeth in its visible part.

Tooth enamel is translucent and has no nerve endings, so you don’t feel pain.

The next intermediate layer, dentin, is what is responsible for giving our teeth colour.

Lastly, the pulp is the last layer. The fabric that composes it is soft. This involves the vasculo-nervous package of the tooth, made up of nerves, a vein and an artery.

Tooth enamel care

Despite being the hardest tissue in our body, it is very sensitive to bacteria.

Bacteria colonise the surface of our teeth (enamel), feed on the remains of the food we eat and produce acidic substances harmful to our tooth enamel as waste. This is why dental care is so important, especially after every meal.

YOTUEL® all•in•one whitening and repairing enamel

Tooth enamel does not regenerate naturally. The damage it receives when we don’t take care of it is forever. In this sense, the only way to restore it is through dental techniques.

Do you want to take care of your tooth enamel? Follow these tips.

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