How to prevent tooth loss

dientes evitar caída

Losing teeth is a negative symptom of the state of our oral health.

For this reason, below we are going to tell you how to preserve your natural teeth and prevent tooth loss.

Tooth decay, dental injuries, and gum disease can lead to tooth loss or loss in adults.

For this reason, understanding what is the fundamental reason for this loss will be essential to prevent further loss and, in this way, to be able to show off a strong, healthy and beautiful smile.

Below we are going to tell you about some of the measures you can take to respond to the most common reasons for this loss of teeth.

Gum disease or periodontitis is the most common cause of the loss of our teeth and can affect our entire oral health. For this reason, having an adequate oral hygiene routine with brushing our teeth 30 minutes after each meal is essential.

Dental injuries: a damaged tooth, with cracks in the enamel or chipping can cause an infection and, subsequently, a loss of a tooth. If you suffer from any of these injuries, it is best to visit your dentist as soon as possible. An adequate treatment by expert staff can allow the conservation of our teeth.

Caries: the deterioration of our teeth and/or poor oral hygiene can end up causing cavities. These are holes that, over time, increase in size if left untreated, and can cause tooth loss. To prevent this from happening, go to the dentist for regular check-ups and, if there are cavities, you will need a filling.

Some of the diseases of our teeth are not detected in the early stages and treating them as soon as possible is essential to avoid suffering the loss of any of our teeth.

For this reason, visit your dentist a couple of times a year to carry out check-ups and implement an adequate oral hygiene routine into your daily routine.

Enjoy your healthy, strong and beautiful smile.

We raffle a selection of products

We give you a selection of Yotuel products for the care of your mouth.
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