People with diabetes are more prone to periodontal disease

enfermedad periodontal diabetes

According to the Diabetes Atlas of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there are more than 537 million adults with diabetes in the world.

In Spain, the Spanish Diabetes Federation (FEDE) considers that there are 6 million people who suffer from this disease, which, it points out, can be avoided in 80% of the cases by following a healthy lifestyle. Despite this, the number continues to rise.

In this sense, 90% of people with diabetes are prone to periodontal disease and, for this reason, taking care of your mouth is key.

Having diabetes increases the level of glucose in saliva, which is why we favour periodontal disease.

In this way, as we always advise, but more prominently when we talk about diabetics given the greater risk to their oral health, it is essential to carry out proper care of our mouth by following these instructions:

  • Visit the dentist at least twice a year.
  • Keep track of diabetes, both for the consequences of the disease for our general health and for our oral health.
  • Be very consistent and careful when it comes to complying with our correct oral hygiene routine.
  • Use products for the care of our mouth that are recommended by dentists, such as YOTUEL products.
  • If you wear a prosthesis, take extreme care of your daily hygiene.
  • Lead a healthy life avoiding tobacco, alcohol, sugar intake, etc.

If you want more tips about caring for your teeth, don’t miss our Healthy Smiles blog.

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