March 20th is World Oral Health Day
Oral health, an indispensable part of general health and well-being Here is a date on [...]
The important role of diet in oral health
From YOTUEL we want to talk about the important role of food in oral health. [...]
Show off your beautiful smile with your whitening toothpaste
Showing off a beautiful smile is much more than having an adequate oral hygiene routine. [...]
How to prevent tooth loss
Tooth loss is a negative symptom of the state of our oral health. Cavities, dental [...]
Tips for brushing fun with children
It is important that children develop the habit of brushing their teeth regularly from an [...]
How healthy habits influence your oral health
Often the start of a new year is a perfect time to reflect on our [...]
Five tips to take care of your oral health this Christmas
We always insist that hygiene and dental health must be taken care of throughout the [...]
Take care of your mouth with YOTUEL and The Oral-Gut Connection® technology
Mouth care should be one of everyone’s priorities, and it is important to generate this [...]
Is depression related to oral health?
Depression, a very common affective disorder, also harms health and oral hygiene care. In the [...]
How many teeth do we have and what function does each one serve?
Despite using them every day and continuously, you may not know how to answer the [...]